look how his scotus picks worked for America's best interest in mind, look at all the RINOs he rallied for at his rallies ... those were great for Americas best interest too ... c'mon man, sorry, but i don't trust he has the best candidates anymore
Freedom of speech is great. Not just SCOTUS. No Judge anywhere in the country would even look at the evidence. They didn't throw the cases out. More than a little suspicious. That tells me that either they are all traitors by choice or they are being threatened. Trump is going by the "Rule of Law". The whole gov't is corrupt. Trump has flushed out all the commies. He and the military now know who is with the patriots and who the swamp it. The military is the only way. I'm surprised that you aren't up to speed on this. Maybe a newbie. Maybe a schill. Have a great evening
and what makes you think the military is not corrupt / compromised if everything else is? huh? ...i'm neither a shill or a newbie ... thanks for the condescending remarks though, cause you must 'know it all'.
Sidney Powell made if very clear ... E V E R Y O N E is against us.
you can not deny that DJT made bad choices for who he supported.
I am not up to speed? I am very up to speed and very realistic after watching DECADES of corruption go unpunished.
look how his scotus picks worked for America's best interest in mind, look at all the RINOs he rallied for at his rallies ... those were great for Americas best interest too ... c'mon man, sorry, but i don't trust he has the best candidates anymore
Freedom of speech is great. Not just SCOTUS. No Judge anywhere in the country would even look at the evidence. They didn't throw the cases out. More than a little suspicious. That tells me that either they are all traitors by choice or they are being threatened. Trump is going by the "Rule of Law". The whole gov't is corrupt. Trump has flushed out all the commies. He and the military now know who is with the patriots and who the swamp it. The military is the only way. I'm surprised that you aren't up to speed on this. Maybe a newbie. Maybe a schill. Have a great evening
and what makes you think the military is not corrupt / compromised if everything else is? huh? ...i'm neither a shill or a newbie ... thanks for the condescending remarks though, cause you must 'know it all'.
Sidney Powell made if very clear ... E V E R Y O N E is against us.
you can not deny that DJT made bad choices for who he supported.
I am not up to speed? I am very up to speed and very realistic after watching DECADES of corruption go unpunished.