Assuming date of video is correct - today 09 Mar 2021 - the motorcade:
Direction motorcade was traveling at POV of source - the arrow indicates both area of POV and direction of travel:
Xiden motorcade looked to be heading out of the city. Certainly the wrong direction in relation of White House to WS Jenks Hardware in NE - where Xiden traveled to today:
The HMX helos I have no idea where they were coming from. Looked to be from VA side, not JBAB.
What about Anacostia or the Naval Yard? Marines fall under the Navy Umbrella.
Quantico is the most logical point of origin. They were coming from VA. I wonder where they went? The motorcade is of greater interest to me.
Anything in particular that stood out to you on the motorcade? I’ve seen a few buzzing around DC while I was working there. This one really doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary to me.
What stands out to me is the motorcade looks a bit light for the number of vehicles and that it was headed in the wrong direction to be taking Xiden to the hardware store.