Assuming date of video is correct - today 09 Mar 2021 - the motorcade:
Direction motorcade was traveling at POV of source - the arrow indicates both area of POV and direction of travel:
Xiden motorcade looked to be heading out of the city. Certainly the wrong direction in relation of White House to WS Jenks Hardware in NE - where Xiden traveled to today:
The HMX helos I have no idea where they were coming from. Looked to be from VA side, not JBAB.
Probably too expensive to relocate it.
Possible I guess. Just seems strange since it doesn’t even look like it’s in a good spot for tours... it’s kind of just parked in a back corner of the property.
When trying to park a 747, one can't be choosy about its parking space. I'm guessing they run the sheep out in golf carts.
Lol I’ve looked at it every day for years now. I never see anyone out there. Seems like a waste to me. Wonder who owns it?
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