posted ago by SongDog ago by SongDog +73 / -1

I spent 3 hours last night on researching the potential long-term detrimental effects of the SARS-COV-2 vaccine popularly know as the COVID vaccine. After more than 60 pages of oscar award-winning pro-mRNA vaccine testimonials across 3 engines, I only have my robust biochemical background to fall back on and the following video by a very brave doctor.

If you got the vaccine I am praying for you. The science behind GM organisms is God-less. Available therapeutics which Trump talked about are being intentionally withheld from the public. Not only is GENETIC MODIFICATION delivered through biochemical introduction satanic, it is absolutely Ahrimanic. https://nymag.com/news/9-11/10th-anniversary/satans-face/

It is shocking that Steiner in the 1920's warned humanity about Ahriman and actually carved a bust of the evil entity - back in the 1920's!! https://us-browse.startpage.com/av/anon-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fanthropopper.files.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F10%2Fahriman_s-head-carved-in-wood-by-rudolf-steiner.jpg%3Fw%3D500&sp=1615403861T756b058e35a24d67b1d5f96a703907ec46431b0a04f91d9986f6ec900b4f3a4f

Anyone see a resemblance? The human body is designed by Creator to apprehend, appreciate and LOVE God. Modifying the human genome has the ability to remove the physical part of being human so that our very souls are muted to Creator. This vaccine is just the beginning.We will become absolute slaves to their god. For. MILLENNIA.

See that many hidden things are being revealed to humanity right now. Some people see this all as demonic occult manifestations, but it is not. Occult just means hidden. It is the thinning of the MATRIX fabric and the Son is shining through the holes. See that we are being gently shown the dawning of a new world based on love and understanding of our selves, our fellow sentient beings, and the magnificence of Creation by a loving God. Please watch the following video presented by a very brave WARRIOR of GOD. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Au5DTQJSJS7B/