How can we take down the DS with datefagging without making ourselves look insane?
Go take a gander over to and hook your peepers on post 4770.
You'll notice it says "March 2021."
Someone said "Free Flynn"
Q responded,
Done in 30. House cleaning. WH Secured. Final stage.
A guy noticed, 3/27/18. What if, we take that date and change it to 3/27/21 and make the DS and MSM go into panic mode, only for them to look like delusional pieces of shit who are unfit to serve. That can bring them into crisis mode within their own pedo crime ring
I feel like we're in the part of the movie where all the action begins ramping up. I feel like we've got an interesting rest of the month.. A lot of Q's posts for March signal something is gonna happen..
March Madness.
I am insane. Q has made me into a digital Rambo. I am unfit for society and trust no one but God.
I shall datefag with you fren.
Favorite Waylon lyrics-- If I hadn't felt the sunshine , I would not cuss the rain If I hadn't of been railroaded , I guess I would have been a train
Praying everyday for big happenings before april 1st...
Him and Willie were cool. Those were days when a covid scam would have been laughed out of the room before it even got to speak.
Don't y'all think this outlaw bit's done got outta hand
Date fagging the forbidden fruit on the forbidden forum, we will enjoy it fren.