“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control
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Masonry is Luciferian (satanic). The main tenet being "Do what you want."
"The Force" is also a Masonic concept. Yoda is "little Yuda" one of their occult creatures.
They don't think they are evil either. They follow the God-rebel Lucifer on a path toward personal godhood.
Many are "altruists" looking out for the poor unenlightened sheep who beg for help because they are "oppressed". They see the ignorant masses as theirs to control. And if darwinism and depopulation to prune off the weaker cattle is their wish that is their pursuit.
"Masons believe in light. It is a priority part of their entire ritual. Now, light to a Mason symbolizes knowledge and also intellect. And...you know who the patron god of intellect is: it is Lucifer, and in fact his very name means the ferre or the Bearer of Light. "luc-" is Latin for light, and "-fer" for ferre." — 32nd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite, William Morgan. The William Morgan Interview with Bill Cooper