And no one is making anyone click on the thread or participate in the prayers. I don't believe in forcing beliefs on anyone. I just don't see the harm in having one thread for Christians to go to who want to pray with one another. We pray for the Q team, Trump, our nation, and I always pray for my fellow anons on this board. I look forward to those threads every day. Being bombarded by the news of so much evil, it's nice to feel like I am actively doing something to fight against it. And no one is forcing or requiring anyone to click on the thread. They are clearly marked, so if it's not your thing you can just scroll past it.
And no one is making anyone click on the thread or participate in the prayers. I don't believe in forcing beliefs on anyone. I just don't see the harm in having one thread for Christians to go to who want to pray with one another. We pray for the Q team, Trump, our nation, and I always pray for my fellow anons on this board. I look forward to those threads every day. Being bombarded by the news of so much evil, it's nice to feel like I am actively doing something to fight against it. And no one is forcing or requiring anyone to click on the thread. They are clearly marked, so if it's not your thing you can just scroll past it.