Maybe you can help him out with a number 1 cut for the summer.
My lovely old black and white cat didn't even like being washed.
He didn't have a label so I washed him on delicates. I never knew whether he should go with the darks or the lights. He ran whichever I tried.
Yes, he went greyer, although it's because white hairs appeared in the black zones. His white was grey often as well. He used to hang our at a neighbors and he'd come back covered in engine oil and wood ash.
He had a missing eye and torn ears from his youth as an alley cat somewhere.
If I had another cat, I'd find another grizzled geezer cat like Henry (1997 ish to 2017) Everyone liked him.
Maybe you can help him out with a number 1 cut for the summer.
My lovely old black and white cat didn't even like being washed. He didn't have a label so I washed him on delicates. I never knew whether he should go with the darks or the lights. He ran whichever I tried.
He lived to 20 and was badass.
Yes, he went greyer, although it's because white hairs appeared in the black zones. His white was grey often as well. He used to hang our at a neighbors and he'd come back covered in engine oil and wood ash. He had a missing eye and torn ears from his youth as an alley cat somewhere.
If I had another cat, I'd find another grizzled geezer cat like Henry (1997 ish to 2017) Everyone liked him.