Have you fallen for the superstraight psyop or do you glow? I'll give you a chance. Superstraight is an obviously forced meme/psyop that is intended to draw in low IQ people on the right into fighting for the left. There is no need to say you are superstraight, because straight people already do not have sex with trannies. If you fall for this and push that 'superstraight' is not having sex with trannies, you are conceding ground to the left. You are literally allowing them to take straight as their ground and claim is means you have sex with trannies.
I hope this helps you understand the battlefield better.
You literally posted a comment about Superstraights in a thread that is about vaccines and has literally no mention of Superstraights.
And then you wrote all of that out not even realizing you're in the wrong thread. Kek.
And welcome to the world of WH psyops. It's not just the baddies that do it. Sometimes the good guys have to push back.
"Superstraight" is used to mock trans and give straight people a way to defend themselves against a tyrannical tech oligarchy that they didn't have before, because they aren't "marginalized". Now they get to throw it back in Trans faces and accuse them of (rightfully) being ACTUAL bigots.
Not sure why you can't understand that. But maybe it's the same reason you can't understand why you will never be a woman.
Anyone pushing this superstraight garbage is not to be trusted.
Looks like you posted on the wrong post there. Too bad it still won't make you a woman.
Have you fallen for the superstraight psyop or do you glow? I'll give you a chance. Superstraight is an obviously forced meme/psyop that is intended to draw in low IQ people on the right into fighting for the left. There is no need to say you are superstraight, because straight people already do not have sex with trannies. If you fall for this and push that 'superstraight' is not having sex with trannies, you are conceding ground to the left. You are literally allowing them to take straight as their ground and claim is means you have sex with trannies.
I hope this helps you understand the battlefield better.
You literally posted a comment about Superstraights in a thread that is about vaccines and has literally no mention of Superstraights.
And then you wrote all of that out not even realizing you're in the wrong thread. Kek.
And welcome to the world of WH psyops. It's not just the baddies that do it. Sometimes the good guys have to push back.
"Superstraight" is used to mock trans and give straight people a way to defend themselves against a tyrannical tech oligarchy that they didn't have before, because they aren't "marginalized". Now they get to throw it back in Trans faces and accuse them of (rightfully) being ACTUAL bigots.
Not sure why you can't understand that. But maybe it's the same reason you can't understand why you will never be a woman.