They will do it eventually. I hope not anytime soon, but it will happen. We have been very blessed here to have faced so little persecution. Many other countries, not so much. While I would never want my Bible taken away from me, I try to remember that for most of our existence people didn't have a Bible to read, they passed it down orally. God will NOT let His Word be erased. They've tried, and they will not succeed.
They started long before this by trying to release a "more fun" version of the Bible by replacing words with emojis...and this was done by a group of supposed devout Christians...maybe there was no harmful intent but it still dumbs it down and makes the next generation less literate.
They are already censoring the bible. Many corporations will fire their employees for talking about God and Jesus.
These same corporations preach their diversity and inclusion. They love to celebrate gay pride month and show full support by setting up clubs for gays etc.
Their diversity actions are actually designed to intimidate and exclude the truth.
Already happening in China.
"Public" Churches have to adjust the Bible to law in China, and the Ten Commandments are modified to fit the CCP narrative. Look it up. It's fucking disgusting.
They will do it eventually. I hope not anytime soon, but it will happen. We have been very blessed here to have faced so little persecution. Many other countries, not so much. While I would never want my Bible taken away from me, I try to remember that for most of our existence people didn't have a Bible to read, they passed it down orally. God will NOT let His Word be erased. They've tried, and they will not succeed.
They started long before this by trying to release a "more fun" version of the Bible by replacing words with emojis...and this was done by a group of supposed devout Christians...maybe there was no harmful intent but it still dumbs it down and makes the next generation less literate.
They can try. Not happening.
They're attacking any and all things white people hold dear
It's a good test since they both have the same target audience.
They are already censoring the bible. Many corporations will fire their employees for talking about God and Jesus. These same corporations preach their diversity and inclusion. They love to celebrate gay pride month and show full support by setting up clubs for gays etc.
Their diversity actions are actually designed to intimidate and exclude the truth.
Already happening in China. "Public" Churches have to adjust the Bible to law in China, and the Ten Commandments are modified to fit the CCP narrative. Look it up. It's fucking disgusting.
They say it’s anti-semitic lol