Well, let's see. It looks like the Obama Admin, along with Fauci, helped finance the Wuhan Lab, where we know they performed at least 3 studies on bats, as well as manufacturing Adrenochrome, according to their own website. So it looks like the Dems/Deep State/Cabal had a hand in that. Then they steal the election from the person we know really won--DJT. They ruin about 90% of our GDP here in the US, putting tens of thousands of small businesses out of work and costing us about $16 trillion due to lost future GDP. Then they push a vaccine that a "knucklehead" (as Elon Musk opined) like Bill Gates had a hand in creating. The man who has numerous times claimed in speeches and interviews that vaccines would help reduce population, while never really explaining how. But WE are the problem? The way I'm feeling about the whole bunch of them right now, I don't know if I could stop myself from punching these boogers in the mouth if I came across them on the street. And that includes Pelosi. I am that angry at these lying sacks of sh*t.
Well, let's see. It looks like the Obama Admin, along with Fauci, helped finance the Wuhan Lab, where we know they performed at least 3 studies on bats, as well as manufacturing Adrenochrome, according to their own website. So it looks like the Dems/Deep State/Cabal had a hand in that. Then they steal the election from the person we know really won--DJT. They ruin about 90% of our GDP here in the US, putting tens of thousands of small businesses out of work and costing us about $16 trillion due to lost future GDP. Then they push a vaccine that a "knucklehead" (as Elon Musk opined) like Bill Gates had a hand in creating. The man who has numerous times claimed in speeches and interviews that vaccines would help reduce population, while never really explaining how. But WE are the problem? The way I'm feeling about the whole bunch of them right now, I don't know if I could stop myself from punching these boogers in the mouth if I came across them on the street. And that includes Pelosi. I am that angry at these lying sacks of sh*t.