I've been thinking Trump has been pushing the shot because it was going to become available anyway and there is no way to save sheeple from what they're willing to be injected with.
But it occurred to me today that it's probably much more complicated. Society always swings from one extreme to the other. We have to go to the extreme before we'll go in the opposite direction.
Maybe in addition to finding out about evil, pedophilia, and DS corruption, this is about our society needing to be devastated by our current medical system, on a national scale that can't escape national attention. There have always been individuals and families devastated by the system, but how much attention does it get? Pharmaceuticals kill more people than illicit drugs, medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death... but look at people. Everyone still puts all their faith and their lives and their children's lives in the hands of this current system.
What if, in order for society to be able to comprehend new medical technologies that seem completely alien (cough cough), they have to experience the horror of the covid shot killing people on a mass scale so they are finally, utterly disillusioned by the medical system as we now know it?
I'm not sure what I believe about the supposed new medical technologies, but I have an open mind about it.
If it's the media telling us, then they might not have actually gotten it.