I've been thinking Trump has been pushing the shot because it was going to become available anyway and there is no way to save sheeple from what they're willing to be injected with.
But it occurred to me today that it's probably much more complicated. Society always swings from one extreme to the other. We have to go to the extreme before we'll go in the opposite direction.
Maybe in addition to finding out about evil, pedophilia, and DS corruption, this is about our society needing to be devastated by our current medical system, on a national scale that can't escape national attention. There have always been individuals and families devastated by the system, but how much attention does it get? Pharmaceuticals kill more people than illicit drugs, medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death... but look at people. Everyone still puts all their faith and their lives and their children's lives in the hands of this current system.
What if, in order for society to be able to comprehend new medical technologies that seem completely alien (cough cough), they have to experience the horror of the covid shot killing people on a mass scale so they are finally, utterly disillusioned by the medical system as we now know it?
I'm not sure what I believe about the supposed new medical technologies, but I have an open mind about it.
It just adds to the utter surrealism of our clown world. All the TDS people in my life were 100% against the idea of this vaccine when it was a matter of Trump saying his administration would have it ready by the end of the year, while the TDS media and "experts" insisted that it was IMPOSSIBLE for a vaccine that was SAFE and effective to be developed in such short time. Then Trump came out and BRAGGED about it, Pence showed off (probably pretending) getting the vaccine on national media. Yet as soon as the SAME bobbleheads in the TDS media and the "experts" did a 180 out of nowhere, all of these same people decided that they want the vaccine, without questioning the sudden 180 AT ALL.
Remember the ‘emo’ stage in your teenage years, where you thought you were surrounded by idiots?
Well maybe you thought a lot of yourself.
But you WERE INDEED surrounded by idiots.
To me it's scarier than that. Either Trump was right and the media was wrong, which drags a LOT into question, or Trump was wrong and the media was right, and the vaccine really ISN'T safe, which drags a LOT into question. Either way to acknowledge the sudden 180 is to acknowledge that they have been deceived on a massive level, so their minds just block it out. They're not mentally in reality in more. They're physically here, but mentally they're gone. It's scary and really depressing.