Bored on night shift and I am watching "Barabbas" with Anthony Quinn. The 50s and even early 60s were good for Biblical epics. At some point something changed but in our parents lifetime this was ostensibly not the case.
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I'm watching Little House on the Prairie right now. It's a sad reminder of how far TV has fallen. It teaches about strong families, working hard, God, etc. Little House was on from the mid 70's to the early 80's.
Was just thinking about this show a few days ago. I gotta watch it again.
touched by an angel, dr quinn medicine woman, etc were thoughtful and ethical that i can recall even into 90s
How about "I dream of Jeannie" and "Bewitched" - witchcraft in the 60s. I loved them both, and I think they are harmless ... but if you are looking back with rose-tinted glasses, don't forget these guys!
Those were both Occultism.
Gimme Car 54, Get Smart, Gunsmoke, Rifleman, etc.