Can someone help me with this? You used to be able to save youtube videos by inserting 45 into the video address chain, right after the e in youtube and before the . (before the dot in dot com.) Doing so, then hitting enter brought up a screen that allowed you to directly download the video. It was a great feature in this day of scrubbing videos. But the last couple of times I tried doing it, I got a message stating something like, 'temporarily down.' I'm thinking someone at youtube figured it out and disabled the feature. Does anyone know another easy way to save yt vids? Thanks.
Can someone help me with this? You used to be able to save youtube videos by inserting 45 into the video address chain, right after the e in youtube and before the . (before the dot in dot com.) Doing so, then hitting enter brought up a screen that allowed you to directly download the video. It was a great feature in this day of scrubbing videos. But the last couple of times I tried doing it, I got a message stating something like, 'temporarily down.' I'm thinking someone at youtube figured it out and disabled the feature. Does anyone know another easy way to save yt vids? Thanks.