gobby 27 points ago +27 / -0

Of course, fren. I prayed that he and you and your whole family have God's peace about the surgery and that God guides the surgeon's hands skillfully and that the surgery is a success. All the best.

gobby 4 points ago +4 / -0

FYI, if you only copy and paste the part of the link that ends with the ? ( which is the first line in this case,) then you aren't sharing all the trackers that are put on links to spy.

gobby 2 points ago +3 / -1

No, it did not. The new testament was written in the first century.

gobby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. This is the most helpful thing I've seen. I'll delve into it more in depth when I have time. The first example of the rich man and Abraham makes me wonder about the dead communicating with the dead. By that I mean, perhaps once dead, a soul in hell can communicate with a soul in heaven. But does that mean a live person can communicate with a dead person? Again, I'll look into it more because I know there were more examples given in the article. I appreciate the answer!

gobby 3 points ago +3 / -0

Saints are believers, according to the New Testament. Not specially designated persons, as in the catholic church. Just simple believers.

And there is a huge difference between someone asking a friend to pray for them and someone praying TO Mary or an angel or catholic saint. Again, these beings are created beings and are not omniscient or omnipresent. So how do they even hear the prayers? If the prayers are silent, they can't get inside your head to hear them. And even if the prayers are prayed aloud, unless they are hanging out with you at home or work, they are not omnipresent, so they won't hear them.

Bottom line is, Jesus Himself taught the apostles how to pray and He said nothing about it being acceptable to pray to created beings.

gobby 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jesus is referred to as The Word and the bible is referred to as The Word of God.

gobby 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, you missed my point. I guess I was too vague. I know what God has to say, I'm waiting to see how the catholics defend their faith in praying to the created. In other words, I am hoping they think about what they are doing. Question if it makes sense. Question where the belief comes from - God and The Word, or catholic doctrine? Most catholics that I know are far more deeply steeped in the catechism than the bible.

gobby 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's something all believers should occasionally ask themselves. I've been involved in discussion in a different thread about catholics praying to saints and Mary. I have concerns about them praying to created beings. I don't even know how or why they think Mary and angels can hear them, as they are neither omniscient or omnipresent. So even if a person prays aloud to either of them, how do they hear it? I know praying to created beings is a big, big thing in the catholic faith. But it causes me to question their very salvation. That is between them and God though, and I am not saying they are not saved, but it does make me ponder.

gobby 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't know either. Maybe start with FEMA. I saw someone post earlier that your own local emergency response teams might be able to suggest what you can do, even if you're far away. They might have communication with their counterparts in NC who can give them instruction. It's great you want to help and I hope you find a good way to contribute. Thank you for caring.

gobby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, I've asked God, fren. I know what His answer is. I'm waiting for the catholics to explain why they believe what they do. So far it's all sort of - 'well, it's the mysteries of God' type of thing. But nothing solid. Nothing biblical. No explanation of why it's okay to pray to a created being. But someone might come here with a great answer. The question hasn't been up that long. There may be many solid answers yet to come. And I sincerely look forward to reading them.

gobby 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know Maccabees is important to the Jews. The story of the oil lasting. Alright, that's one book. What about the others?

gobby 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's what I've done. I've asked the catholics here on the board. And I'm waiting to receive.

gobby 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you. Maybe we'll get an answer here that helps us understand. I hope so.

gobby 2 points ago +2 / -0

And you believe they hear you? How do they hear you? If they are in heaven, how do they hear you here on earth? I guess you believe there is some way that they do, but I am not familiar with any bible teaching that teaches that. Or even hints at it.

gobby 3 points ago +3 / -0

To what end? I'm sincerely curious. Are you saying that God allows angels and Mary to hear your prayers so that they -- what? Can answer them? Or transmit the prayers to Him? But He has already heard them. I don't get it.

gobby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why become defensive and nasty? I am asking sincerely. I have no reason to believe that everybody in heaven is attuned to everything happening on earth. If you have some biblical proof text that states that, please share it because I would like to know.

The reason I care is because I have concerns about the salvation of people who believe things that are contrary to biblical teaching. And that is what I believe this is.

gobby 16 points ago +16 / -0

That's why I believe it's best to look to what the bible says about the subject. Jesus Himself taught the apostles how to pray. And He never said it's acceptable to pray to created beings (angels, Mary.)

I'm sure some people think I'm just trying to pick a fight, and with sincerity, I am not. I just want to understand why catholics believe it's okay to pray to them. I don't see any biblical support for this and it's a pretty huge deal in the catholic church. I know, because I was raised catholic, l had first holy communion, confirmation and went to catholic school, learned catechism (for more than being taught the bible) and so forth.

In fact, I can distinctly remember being taught by a nun that since Mary is Jesus' mother, He will obey her. So if we pray to her to ask for something, she will tell Him and He will answer our pray and give it to us because He has to be an obedient son.

But nobody has been able to answer this question with biblical proof. And to me, it's a very, very serious thing. Because I love Jesus with all my heart and I want all people to know and love Him the way that I do. And I honestly, sincerely wonder and doubt the salvation of some catholics based on this issue.

gobby 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh goodness. I honestly don't mean to sound disrespectful, but that doesn't make any sense to me. Where is the biblical support for this notion?

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