But I don't think these photos are relevant/recent. Likely hasn't been updated since DC has been under lockdown but it gives you a rough layout of the land around the oval office.
yes there's no way they're going to update the GoogleEarth pics atm
I find this fascinating because i am SUPER familiar with this studio.... I used to walk by it all the time when i used to get free movie tickets... there's a theater right next to it.
Gone With The Wind is listed amongst other movies filmed at Culver:
Many classics from Hollywood's Golden Age were filmed there, including Gone with the Wind (1939),[1] A Star is Born (1937), Intermezzo (1939) and Rebecca (1940).[2]
WOW dude nice find
Would be interesting to compare this to current pictures outside the WH...
This is a historical studio.... Lots of classics shot there..... Gone With The Wind!!!
For recent WH pictures you can compare against Google Earth:
But I don't think these photos are relevant/recent. Likely hasn't been updated since DC has been under lockdown but it gives you a rough layout of the land around the oval office.
yes there's no way they're going to update the GoogleEarth pics atm
I find this fascinating because i am SUPER familiar with this studio.... I used to walk by it all the time when i used to get free movie tickets... there's a theater right next to it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOUmP9W8ioQ here's GEOTUS harping Gone with The Wind (VERSUS PARASITE) on it, which he did repeatedly!
No coincidences? You are watching a movie??
Hah, yeah on
Gone With The Wind is listed amongst other movies filmed at Culver:
Many classics from Hollywood's Golden Age were filmed there, including Gone with the Wind (1939),[1] A Star is Born (1937), Intermezzo (1939) and Rebecca (1940).[2]
GEOTUS repeats Wise Guy in this clip 3 times maybe wise Guys filmed there too??