The people taking the vaccine are voluntary lab rats. My brother just got his first dose and is excitedly sharing with everyone how they've asked him to participate in follow up surveys about his side effects and all other possible impacts on his health, vitals, etc. He is so proud and excited to be a lab rat and "see what happens" with zero liability for "what happens" in the meantime or after his second dose. I love my brother because he is my brother but this is outright natural selection at work.
I'm not really psychologically prepared to process it if this science experiment kills my brother. Tbh I'm pretty sure I would lose my mind. It's different for people who just think "oh a freak tragedy for the greater good" but for those of us awake it's basically watching gullible people get murdered. It hits way different and when it's someone you love it's enough to make you snap. It's some kind of wild inner conflict wanting some crescendo to clown world so it can be over with and simultaneously wanting to be wrong and just crazy so loved ones turn out okay.
The people taking the vaccine are voluntary lab rats. My brother just got his first dose and is excitedly sharing with everyone how they've asked him to participate in follow up surveys about his side effects and all other possible impacts on his health, vitals, etc. He is so proud and excited to be a lab rat and "see what happens" with zero liability for "what happens" in the meantime or after his second dose. I love my brother because he is my brother but this is outright natural selection at work.
I'm not really psychologically prepared to process it if this science experiment kills my brother. Tbh I'm pretty sure I would lose my mind. It's different for people who just think "oh a freak tragedy for the greater good" but for those of us awake it's basically watching gullible people get murdered. It hits way different and when it's someone you love it's enough to make you snap. It's some kind of wild inner conflict wanting some crescendo to clown world so it can be over with and simultaneously wanting to be wrong and just crazy so loved ones turn out okay.