posted ago by TheConservationist ago by TheConservationist +34 / -0

Another good documentary on the climate change hoax.


It is a bit dated (2007), though, it contains plenty of relevant information for fighting back against the doomsday scenarios, which are conveniently available to push forward certain political agendas.

A summary of the many topics covered:

  • the intolerance for dissent against their narratives (censorship, cancel culture)
  • atmospheric CO2 levels lag behind temperature changes by ~800 years in the geological records, not vice versa. In other words, temperature changes drive CO2 changes, not the reverse
  • the fake news surrounding climate change narratives, how the propaganda works
  • the convergence of interests (money, ideology, political power, notoriety, etc.) which led to the rise of the overall climate change narrative
  • how the narrative actually harms the developing world
  • climate is most strongly controlled by changes in the Sun, not atmospheric CO2 levels (this plot from the documentary nicely illustrates that point: https://imgflip.com/i/51mcfi ). Changes in the Sun's luminosity result in changes of our (water) clouds, which then controls the surface temperature. This was apparently well understood and agreed upon by the climate science community just before the climate change narratives began to really gain traction
  • greenhouse gas models imply a particular temperature structure of the atmosphere, the data (satellite & balloon measurements) directly contradict these models, in fact, the opposite occurs than what the models predicted
  • humans output a small fraction of CO2 compared to the other sources of atmospheric CO2 (i.e., volcanism, the ocean, etc.)
  • how the doomsday narrative used to be about a "great freeze", aka, a new ice age, which was abandoned for various reasons (political and science driven)
  • the drift of climate change narratives to become more and more fearful
  • models are only as good as the assumptions which go into them (i.e., the underlying physics, input parameters, etc.). One poor assumption and the prediction can be quite wrong. Consequently, a model can exist to make just about any prediction about the climate (temperature goes up, goes down, catastrophe, non-catastrophe, etc.)
  • how sea level changes actually work
  • the fantasizing of pre-industrial civilization (and third world countries) by "environmentalists", whom, ignore the poor living conditions of these times and places
  • atmospheric CO2 is not a pollutant
  • malaria is not a tropical disease (one of the largest outbreaks was actually in a cold region of Russia), so, global warming isn't going result in a huge increase in malaria deaths

They didn't use some of the words/language above, but in effect, this is what was meant.