48 MARVELOUS MARVIN HAGLER FORMER CHAMP DEAD AT 66 ... Had Breathing Trouble (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by LIBERTYanon 3 years ago by LIBERTYanon +48 / -0 14 comments download share 14 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
These dark theme tweets are confusing. I keep thinkng they are from the chan boards.
Yeah what’s up with these?
Did he get the vax?
Would be such a shame if he died of Covid when he was probably weeks away from getting vaccinated.
It's a reference to one of my favorite songs. Obvious Bicycle by Vampire Weekend
Im from where marvin is from. He used to run through my neighborhood. He stopped and talked to my little brother many times.
Sorry,no point to this reply other than childhood memories.
He was a fit man , I remember he was an advocate for the American lung association .
Add a question mark after the R.I.P. and you get a whole different feel.
R.I.P.? Marvelous!