People are getting uneasy and need to see these evil people taken out. People may start taking things into their own hands.
Edit: No violence has been advocated. This post is a simple observation that one person has made in regard to a portion of the general public that do not see anything good happening.
yea civil war is brewing.
ALL the Vets feel it. Were prepared. As prepared as we are gonna be.
Won't be hard for us to organize into effective fighting units once the shooting starts in earnest, either. It's second nature in us, need into us from the beginning of boot camp.
We know, and are fully prepared for, what's coming. We're just waiting for the rest of the country to join us. Because, NONE OF THIS GETS FIXED WITHOUT THE NORMIES AWAKE.
I still have faith that the plan is operational.
The last phase is the destruction of the Mockingbird media, right? Seems like we are on the precipice now.
MSM has begun the process of imploding. Drips are coming out that are actually showing TRUTH for a change, which contradict what they reported before.
Plus the news reports coming out are getting more and more insane:
C’mon man! It is all so “in your face” over the top ridiculous that the only logical explanation I can see is that it is all being orchestrated to prod people into waking up.
Not awake yet? Okay, lets take it up a notch. Wear THREE masks and keep it on inside your own home. Still think open borders is a good idea? Okay, lets see how you like kids in cages at 700% capacity.
I think the plan is to let the sheep get so fed up with Buyden (and then Harris when they oust biden under the 25th) that THEY are the ones calling for military intervention.
(Just my two cents, for what it's worth.)
So how many innocent children should we lock up to wake the normies? Perhaps a round of torture and killing as well? Hopefully we are not all thinking it’s okay to use the tactics of the enemy (and turn them up to 11) in order to wake up some sheep...