The clock is ticking, Q. While I don’t profess to be an expert in everything Q, I am aware of some things. I feel like your plan is to return power back to god loving patriots with as little destruction and loss of life as possible. Obviously more to it then that, but for now let’s stick to that. Are you aware of how long it will take for your plan to do the exact opposite of what you intended it to be? Months, Q. The American people are patient, peaceful people. But we also value freedom over anything else. And right now, we are not free. It is only a matter of time before we stop waiting for you to administer justice to these global satanists and take matters into our own hands. And god help us all if that’s the case.
Tick Tock, Q
Holding the line will prove to be a daunting task for many Patriots. We see only what we're permitted to see, here on the ground, and with no intel on the minutia of what the power players are doing. We know about as much as the doughboys in the trenches of WWI knew.... that "we are here, the enemy is there, let's kill them all."
At some point we have to realize that the war is being conducted and played out at much higher levels of strategy than we can realize. The going may get tough... Hell, it's ALREADY tough.... but it might get even tougher. It's above my paygrade to say when and how and where, but in time, this fuckery will be stopped.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Heard it before
The real question is how long is how long we're supposed to hold the line, and at what point might we consider that we may have been lulled into complacency.
I'm going to be called a shill, but hear me out. I trust in the plan, but I have always been the type of person who saw the gray area in between, the what ifs. I'm a writer. I play that game in devising plots all the time. Q has a great plot, but while I trust the plan, I also think we need a contingency in case there is a plot twist.
To think otherwise is to be called a sheep. We call those who wear masks and comply with vaccinations sheep, but what if...?
Again, just because I play the what ifs, it doesn't mean that I don't trust the plan. I full believe we are in devolution right now. I live on the Space Coast of Florida. Believe me. I see military flight action as the main proof, and I combine it with other things, and I'm convinced of it. But it is not prudent for patriots not to think of other outcomes.
Absolutely. Well said. It’s ironic you have to put a disclaimer in your comment that you’ll be called a shill, for being logical and reasonable.
Morale is of the utmost importance. Sometimes it's more important to put on a happy face than to tell the complete truth.
It is a shame, but some of these folks believe a forum is like Twitter. They don't understand the power of open debate. Shutting people down who take an honest look and provide an honest face, isn't very Q-like.
So, I appreciate your kind comments.