Wow. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths they will go to to NOT actually read the posts. There's no news anymore except for what we share. Everything else is an ELITEST tactic to capture your mind so they can enslave you. DON'T THINK FOR YOURSELF OR THE BQQGY MAN WILL EAT YOUR BRAIN....
I go out of my way to try to find people debunking Q; you'd think it would be easy to find since Q is in the news so much, and the MSM keeps saying it's unfounded and easily disproven. I have yet to find anyone seriously trying to disprove Q.
he claims due to covid yet Q started posting 3 years before .. they try so hard
also i never heard the theory that oprah interview was cgi
all bs
ya, because they CGI an ankle monitor on oprah. lol
Wow. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths they will go to to NOT actually read the posts. There's no news anymore except for what we share. Everything else is an ELITEST tactic to capture your mind so they can enslave you. DON'T THINK FOR YOURSELF OR THE BQQGY MAN WILL EAT YOUR BRAIN....
I go out of my way to try to find people debunking Q; you'd think it would be easy to find since Q is in the news so much, and the MSM keeps saying it's unfounded and easily disproven. I have yet to find anyone seriously trying to disprove Q.