IF the Cabal were in control, we - from .win to IRL - would have been canceled by now. Many of us would have been arrested. The Masons would be taking guns door-to-door. They are terrified. The people are being shown. Yes, it is painful. It's hitting all of us. My mother-in-law turned from a TDSd Biden voter to "yes you can say I told you so" to her daughter in 2 weeks as of today. People are waking up, but it will take a little more pain and outrage. Sorry. This is the only way.
IF the Cabal were in control, we - from .win to IRL - would have been canceled by now. Many of us would have been arrested. The Masons would be taking guns door-to-door. They are terrified. The people are being shown. Yes, it is painful. It's hitting all of us. My mother-in-law turned from a TDSd Biden voter to "yes you can say I told you so" to her daughter in 2 weeks as of today. People are waking up, but it will take a little more pain and outrage. Sorry. This is the only way.