They're assuming their posts. It looked pretty good to me, synchronized turns, assumed the position of attention, then parade rest as he walked out of their eyeline. Normal Drill and Ceremony.
You do not salute indoors except as described in a specific ceremony, like a promotion, award, or in-ranks inspection; or when reporting (like Sergeant of the Guard assuming control of his shift, or getting called into the CO's office to answer for your latest fuckup).
They're assuming their posts. It looked pretty good to me, synchronized turns, assumed the position of attention, then parade rest as he walked out of their eyeline. Normal Drill and Ceremony.
You do not salute indoors except as described in a specific ceremony, like a promotion, award, or in-ranks inspection; or when reporting (like Sergeant of the Guard assuming control of his shift, or getting called into the CO's office to answer for your latest fuckup).