Hi, I have a question. I got into a long discussion with my law-student brother who, while very conservative and a Trump voter, is certainly no anon and very by the books. He said to me about Pence’s decision on the 6th that it was his constitutional duty to certify the votes, even though they may have been fraudulent, because the states had given him their already certified votes. In other words, the states came to pence and said, “we elected this guy, we’ve already certified it.” This left Pence, even if he knew the votes were fraudulent, no choice but to push them through because the constitution dictates it so. The VP “shall” certify the votes, notwithstanding the validity of them, since they’ve gotten to that point. Hopefully this makes sense.
What are your thoughts on this?
You know it is obvious. If Pence thought he was doing the "right, legal move" why not have a conversation with his president ahead of time? If Pence, the christian, was right why not have the conversation? Why STAB the President in the back and the millions of Americans that voted for him by not talking with the president in advance? Answer, Pence was wrong and knew it!! He was checked out after the election and had no intention of fighting the steal. He knew what they did and most likely had a heads up. Remember his vacationing in Colorado while Trump was fighting the steal, his wanting to travel, he only change when he realized the optics were not good for him. He will go down as one of the biggest traitors in history. Pences political career is over!