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same here, the site seems broken,im having trouble viewing any new posts? because the latest ones were posted over an hour ago for me and i keep refreshing the page
I've tried posting a new post and it didn't show. This old thread was honestly the only one that I found my comment show up successfully. TD.W is still up, so it's not the entire win network.
ok apparantly i can access your post by goint to your post history.
The most logical explanation is the site remains entirely intact but there might be a conflict in updating new content. Depending on the structure, which I have no insight of, it could be a very minor problem that the admin can fix, or a major problem that would require a new server.
i thought there would be more activity on the thread if people were having trouble with the site, instead it seems strangely desolate.
That’s bc Telegram is popping compared to this site. Especially GhostEzra, The Voice of Q, and ProudPatriot channels. This site just goes over the same ideas everyday and doesn’t leave any room for thinking outside of the box. Q posts only get you so far and can be limiting on thought expansion, IMHO. Lots more info on Telegram and quite frankly, lots more entertaining. You guys are like living in a bubble over here.