Sure is. Theres another really good one of Baron too. He was giving someone an unmistakable look of disdain but my brain is on afternoon break and I cant remember who it was.
Havent seen him lately. Wonder what he’s up to? I have a feeling that kid has got way more going on than we know.
Good question ?
Mason devil horns?
But why Melania with him?
It was a photo op during Harry and Meghan’s visit. I think Melania not smiling big shows she doesn't trust or like him.
Dipshit Harry making Masonic signs. Symbolism will be their downfall!
Melania is a whole lot smarter than most give her credit for and she knows whats up. Her look when she and Ivanka posed with the Pope said it all.
That photo of Melania and Ivanka staring at the pope is so powerful. When the truth is revealed it should be in the history books.
Sure is. Theres another really good one of Baron too. He was giving someone an unmistakable look of disdain but my brain is on afternoon break and I cant remember who it was.
Havent seen him lately. Wonder what he’s up to? I have a feeling that kid has got way more going on than we know.
baron is Q