Not a problem, fren - it's not your doing. It's encouraging to know that not all their employees are buying their BS. I, as you, am concerned that corporate power-tripping will continue after everyone else has relaxed the rules. In fact, our governor has already said that masks are optional - it's just your Nazi mayor making things crazy in Anchorage. We likely would have spent several hundred dollars in your store as we came through, but decided our dollars would be better spent somewhere other than Anchorage. Keep the faith - we'll get through this.
That's the thing that gets me about customer service related businesses who would rather alienate those customers by enforcing mask regs they themselves Ignore behind closed doors. All the while sending customers Who came into their store(s) to Spend their hard earned $$$ but they chase away because of a stupid mask?This is Why I prefer living in the matsu valley rather than Anchorage, Anchorage like most large cities are Ruled by leftist morons.The lefty mayoral candidate Forrest Dunbar is a carbon copy of the previous Failed Mayor Ethan Berkowitz. Actually Dunbar is Further left than Berkowitz so you know he's the AK msm choice and not either of the 2 conservative s running. The question is has the residents, but especially the business owners Truly Learned the lessons taught them in 2020 about electing democrats to rule over them in trying times?
Not a problem, fren - it's not your doing. It's encouraging to know that not all their employees are buying their BS. I, as you, am concerned that corporate power-tripping will continue after everyone else has relaxed the rules. In fact, our governor has already said that masks are optional - it's just your Nazi mayor making things crazy in Anchorage. We likely would have spent several hundred dollars in your store as we came through, but decided our dollars would be better spent somewhere other than Anchorage. Keep the faith - we'll get through this.
That's the thing that gets me about customer service related businesses who would rather alienate those customers by enforcing mask regs they themselves Ignore behind closed doors. All the while sending customers Who came into their store(s) to Spend their hard earned $$$ but they chase away because of a stupid mask?This is Why I prefer living in the matsu valley rather than Anchorage, Anchorage like most large cities are Ruled by leftist morons.The lefty mayoral candidate Forrest Dunbar is a carbon copy of the previous Failed Mayor Ethan Berkowitz. Actually Dunbar is Further left than Berkowitz so you know he's the AK msm choice and not either of the 2 conservative s running. The question is has the residents, but especially the business owners Truly Learned the lessons taught them in 2020 about electing democrats to rule over them in trying times?