posted ago by BasedInFact ago by BasedInFact +75 / -3

Do these look posts look familiar?

Do these accounts look familiar?

This one guy keeps cranking out the same trademark MO from every account (he apparently created a bunch of seasoned non-handshake accounts a month ago), consisting of the recognizable rotating personalities of a) super MAGA guy, b) George magazine shill who obsessively pushes his beloved, ridiculous "Hachette ties JFK Jr. to Donald Trump!!!!" theory, and c) angry, profane abuser.

I, personally, find him amusing... and also genuinely disturbing. It is admittedly fun playing 'Where's Weirdo', calling him out whenever he pops up with another disingenuous screen name... and then seeing him exercise his frustration by going through my history and downtoot muh comments with his simultaneously logged-in accounts. ?

But the reason I wasted this time, mine and yours, to post about this persistent board presence is because I know he goes obsessive on other people besides me (although he particularly likes me, sending me a dozen direct messages in half a many minutes yesterday: https://i.maga.host/lV4yNMu.png ), and that can be both unsettling for any of the honest and decent board members among us, and off-putting if and when he flips on his abusive/obsessive personality with any newbie qbies exploring the board.

Anyways, I'm sure he'll always be with us in some form or other, but consider this a PSA just letting you know that if you run into someone with a profane and obsessive streak here, it's not unlikely that it's just another of MAGA_From_Hell's alternate personalities.