posted ago by LiberalTearFiend ago by LiberalTearFiend +62 / -0

1.)When they drop the phrase "conspiracy theories"

•so it involves multiple people or parties, yes. You know what else are "theories" Evolution, Cell Theory, relativity, germ theory....

2.You won't get the mRNA vaccine are you one of those anti-vaxxers?!? •No I already had Covid. Do people go get the flu shot After getting the flu? or I read the animal studies for mRNA against Coronaviruses, they have the same mechanism of action of blocking spike proteins. All of them failed in the long run, Animals got sicker and died more than placebo every single time in the medium-long run. They always fail in the long run in mammals, I would encourage you to read the ferret and cat studies against SARS-COV-1 that used mRNA.

3.You think the elites and pedophiles are actually doing all of that? •Why you think Epstein/ Kevin Spacey/ Weisntien stuff is all made up? I think pedophilia is bad and those people should be convicted instead of protected, you don't?

4.You believe the big election fraud lie? •Well the Director of national intelligence came out with an official report saying so. I mean I watched them kick out press and poll watchers, they pulled out suitcases of ballots and ran them through machines 5 times, it perfectly correlates with the impossible data that was officially recorded. They have more votes than voters in certain areas and then the news tells us to shut up most clean election ever and censors proof while blocking ability to audit/ investigate to disprove it. Does that seem honest and reliable to you?

  1. You actually believe this virus could have come from a lab? •Well it was the only place on Earth doing this research and this pandemic level corona virus seemed to come out of nowhere after only 6 coronaviruses in human history. I mean China has a history of this also its very well documented that Sars-1 leaked out of Chinese labs over 4 times in the 2000's and got caught lying about it and using it for their own gain. Why? Do you trust the same people that told us there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission for 2 months? That it came from a Bat at a fish market, then they changed to it came from a pangolin? We have never documented any viruses even similar to this one in the up and decades of tracking viruses and our multi-million dollar investigations can't seem to turn up similar viruses in the populations a few times after checking? The Chinese don't even try to claim to their own people this came from animals, they blame the United States for launching a bioweapons attack.

  2. You don't trust the news or FBI/CIA that Donald Trump is trying to use you and destroy the country? •Well they did tell me at one point that all 17 intelligence agencies said he was colluding with the Russians to steal an election. Then 2 years later it turns out that all was not true and that they were actually trying to set him up and make him look guilty. Why would they want him elected he made them pay more for NATO and wasn't giving them Uranium like Hillary and Obama were with Uranium-1 scandal.

  3. Why do you not trust the news and think they are so manipulative? •Well majority are owned by 5 corporations. It is great modern advertising and a way of shifting markets. Remember how they told us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? I also remember when the news and 55 intelligence agencies came out and told me that Hunter Bidens laptop was just Russia trying to spread misinformation... No that was Hunters laptop, you really want me to send you the proof? I think one of our democracy preserving checks and balances is the news should be questioning the government and fairly representing opposite view points, I like to learn more about and why my fellow citizens carry opposite points of view and I think they should fairly represent their best arguments.

What do you guys have for answers to normies that think you are crazy? Quick points that are pretty definitive and have them saying crap maybe they aren't that dumb and my news sources are feeding me bad information and setting up this straw man that these people are wild conspiracy theorist...