Every day, we're getting fed spoonfuls of hopium with stuff like "The best is yet to come".
We're five months after the election. I'm losing friends, family and money. His followers are losing hope and faith while leftists ride all over us.
When will this ride be over? I'm watching the Chinese people in my city deriding white people like slaves and gloating over their victory.
Why are the only people paying attrition in this war the good people and the conservatives?
I’m working on my garden. I can’t control or influence the big wide world from my iPad but I can plant grow harvest and preserve food in my yard. If I didn’t have a yard I’d have pots or a garden plot at a community garden. I get skills and exercise. Lots of exercise.
I did same thing. I unplugged and went outside.
I am not fond of gardening tbh. BUT I am VERY fond of fresh tomatoes for spaghetti sauce, burgers, and salsa. Grilling or frying up zucchini and squash also amazing. So I deal with it. And homegrown peppers don't make me sick like store bought ones. Still hate shelling beans so much that might not do it this year.