BIll Gates - Saviour Of Humanity? Or Himself?
Tucked away deep in the Arctic Circle is Svalbard a desolate island recognised as Norwegian Territory.
Built in to the rock is the world seed bank where the project endeavours to hold the seeds of all known life in case of a life devastating event.
All seems good all the usual suspects have funded this DUMB to mankind including The Rockefeller Foundation, UN, World Bank,etc
Bill not one to miss an opportunity also put $8 million into it under his Billgatesfoundation/ United Nations Foundation fund.
I wonder what his motive really is given his Eugenicists preaching?
Mitch McConnell has just given a speech in the senate talking about a scorched earth senate. If all I’m reading suggests that in the days ahead some important triggers will be met the tone from DS operatives such as Boris Johnston and McConnell is inconsistent with where most people might think they are which is Trump is gone we’re in charge and in the U.K. we’ve cured the COVID let’s move on .
Suggesting scorched earth and increasing nuclear stocks seems odd if you are in command?