The discovery revealed the ice sheet is more fragile to climate change than thought, putting every coastal city at risk if it were to melt again, with study authors warning the Greenland ice sheet melting could see a 20ft rise in sea levels worldwide.
Oh really??? By that rationale, should there not be geological evidence that shows New York City and all other coastal cities in the world were UNDER WATER the last time Greenland was not covered by ICE ??
Global Warming > Climate Change, the start of my red pill.
Even a bigger sign to me is the elites buying shore front property for millions and millions of dollars. If they thought the seas would rise, would they do that? Or do they think that by killing off 95% of the population they can stop this runaway green house effect?
Oh really??? By that rationale, should there not be geological evidence that shows New York City and all other coastal cities in the world were UNDER WATER the last time Greenland was not covered by ICE ??
Global Warming > Climate Change, the start of my red pill.
Even a bigger sign to me is the elites buying shore front property for millions and millions of dollars. If they thought the seas would rise, would they do that? Or do they think that by killing off 95% of the population they can stop this runaway green house effect?