What if... The introduction of the vaccine by Trump's Warp Speed program was actually set up to expose the DS.
He said the phrase so many times there is probably more to it?
Warp Speed does not actually exist yet (that we know of) so his use of the term may be superfluous and has more meaning than we can see?
The pharmaceutical companies really started working on the vaccine years before the virus as has been suggested by various articles claiming such?
Trump forced their hand by speeding up the release of what they already had?
There are already thousands of deaths by the vaccine that media is reporting as "no proof the deaths were caused by the vaccine" before sending it down the memory hole?
This is opposite their reporting as fact the claims of covid infection/deaths based solely on syptoms with no PCR test or a PCR test with no syptoms and not by isolating the virus from patients?
When the vaccinated, who we know are still susceptible to the virus, actually get it and then die will we make the connection to the vaccines or will they get away with claiming the deaths were caused by "varients"?
What if: The variants are a ploy for further lockdowns as they STILL have not isolated the original?