"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting"
Typical fucking Yahoo shit.
No comments allowed.
So Yahoo from the outset labels Q all as conspiracy crap. This is how the hardcore 10-20% of useful idiots who hate this country and even if they saw video of Obama frying up and eating a babies leg, wouldn't believe it.
Given that Liz Crokin, Ron Codemonkeyguy who obviously believes Q, and Posobiec ( who may not believe Q, but is good at pointing out the msm and the lefts hypocrisy, there is a chance that some normies could get redpilled. Crokin is great at exposing and explaining the pedo stuff.
I despise yahoo. The whole reason they disabled the comments was because every time they tried to push some left wing BS, they would get absolutely lit TF up in the comments. Like every where else on the internet, the comments is where you go to get an idea of the true sentiment of other people. The commies can't have that.
"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting"
Typical fucking Yahoo shit. No comments allowed.
So Yahoo from the outset labels Q all as conspiracy crap. This is how the hardcore 10-20% of useful idiots who hate this country and even if they saw video of Obama frying up and eating a babies leg, wouldn't believe it.
Given that Liz Crokin, Ron Codemonkeyguy who obviously believes Q, and Posobiec ( who may not believe Q, but is good at pointing out the msm and the lefts hypocrisy, there is a chance that some normies could get redpilled. Crokin is great at exposing and explaining the pedo stuff.
Fucking Yahoo!!
I despise yahoo. The whole reason they disabled the comments was because every time they tried to push some left wing BS, they would get absolutely lit TF up in the comments. Like every where else on the internet, the comments is where you go to get an idea of the true sentiment of other people. The commies can't have that.