I'm looking for a 10 meter that also does cb [ just in case], and to be used as a base station. Gonna get a simple ground plane. I think i have settled on the president lincoln--any thoughts?
I’ve heard okay things about the President Lincoln. Never been a fan of the cross band capabilities. I have a cobra 29 for the CB chores. For 10 meters I can use my KX3 if needed but I usually go to 20 or 40 meters NVIS for HF stuff. Plus the KX3 can go to 15 watts. ;)
I'm looking for a 10 meter that also does cb [ just in case], and to be used as a base station. Gonna get a simple ground plane. I think i have settled on the president lincoln--any thoughts?
Yaesu ft8900r or 857d. I have both and they are fantastic. The 8900r will not transmit AM on 10m though, only rx.
I’ve heard okay things about the President Lincoln. Never been a fan of the cross band capabilities. I have a cobra 29 for the CB chores. For 10 meters I can use my KX3 if needed but I usually go to 20 or 40 meters NVIS for HF stuff. Plus the KX3 can go to 15 watts. ;)