Something big is about to go down (which I wish for daily), March 17 St. Patty’s day has been identified as a potentially big day because Trump said “luck” was very important before he left the WH.
If something big goes down, then what Trump Said tonight about vaccines will be of no moment. No one will get the opportunity to follow that alleged advice ... well, at least that’s what I’m hoping.
maybe, but prior to 2020 no mrna modifier had ever been injected into a human, and now they are injecting it on mass scale Taking the jab is a very risky thing to do, or promote.
Please stop using the term “jab” it turns this into something casual and trendy and it is NOT.
I take the term as something sinister and intrusive. Its not a vaccine, so what term do you suggest?
There is a big difference between a vaxxine being risky and a vaccine being designed to kill or harm on purpose.