Asked why something wasn't conditioned in the morning. I said three associates called out due to the vaccine. He asked me if i would be getting it? My answer obviously is no.
Said that if there are two people in a room in a meeting of people at the corporate office are not vaccinated then they all have to wear masks. He then said if I dont get vaccinated I will have to continue wearing a mask at work. I again said ok I won't be getting it.
Then he asked if I get the flu vax I said no I said the only ones I've had are the ones you get when you are a kid. I said I dont do experimental vaccines. He quipped back well those were experimental. I said they also took longer than 6 months to make and went through extensive studies and the fact I was a child so my parents had power of attorney.
My question to the community is: are businesses allowed to ask for proof of vax or force you to wear the mask if you dont prove you've been vaccinated? Wouldn't that be against hippa, or some sort of discrimination?
Contact one of the free law consultant. Ask them if there is a form you can have your employer sign that holds ‘them’ accountable for any and all side affects that may/will occur for the remainder of your life time. That your company will pay for an/all medical expenses - for medical care drs of Your Choice, and any loss time from work, including but not limited to travel time to and from appointments, hospital admittance time, and other treatment related to side affects of the vaccine. Also - up to permanent disability payments - for a life time. With the understanding that proof of such side affects could be ANY illness whatsoever, that is not preexisting - or if a preexisting ailment that is exacerbated by the vaccine. That proof of such side affects are not required based on ‘the science’ of FDA approval/research- since the vaccine is ONLY Approved for ‘Emergency Purposes’ so too would be the burden of proof of any side affects be based on your personal examination of physical, mental and emotional outcome of being forced, coercing, and shaming involved with the vaccination - including incentivizing non-mask wearing while at work; or any other incentive be at physical, mental, or monetary benefits. The point of all this, is that we know there’s no company on the planet earth that’s going to sign that document. So, once you present it this way, I’m sure that you would have a lawsuit on your hands, if they tried to force you to take the vaccine, and you end up being fired. This way you cover your butt, and I’m gonna assume a company wouldn’t divulge your decision to not get the vaccine, based on having to wear a mask. That makes it very obvious who did not get the vaccine, and that involves a hostile work environment. So too, you can print up a like minded document, that states that if you don’t take the vaccine, that you will not be held liable for any or all accusations of somebody getting Covid because of you, that you could not lose your job, and that you would not be harassed, coerced, or shamed, for not getting the vaccine. So on and so forth. This is rather hyperbolic - but you get the idea. Either just gonna fire you right out, Or they’ll think twice about the legal implications regarding forced and coerced vaccinations. Present to them your legal rights, may give them pause, not just for you... but others. You could even leave copies of the documents in the lunchroom, just depends on how far you wanna go with it. We have to start fighting back, because it’s not gonna stop here if we don’t.