The stained glass in the upper right looks like a confirmation (the crozier indicates a bishop. The bishop is laying hands on the head during the blessing—the priest assisting is holding the staff during the blessing. Francis is kissing the infant Jesus at midnight mass on Christmas—common part of the pre-mass ritual.
Are these real? How do I know these pictures weren’t messed with to make it look like this? This is crazy. Sources?
There real I've seen statues like these when I was young and could not work out why s kids would stand Infront of an adult like that
The stained glass in the upper right looks like a confirmation (the crozier indicates a bishop. The bishop is laying hands on the head during the blessing—the priest assisting is holding the staff during the blessing. Francis is kissing the infant Jesus at midnight mass on Christmas—common part of the pre-mass ritual.
Some of the other stuff . . . no clue.
wtf? this is disgusting. Oh leave these shit up but pull historical ones down ?
They're really real? Where are these???