Top news story in Seattle too. The words " F*** China You will pay" were spelled out in STRAW on a church parking lot. People on the street ( one with a homemade mask reading "black lives matter" across his mouth) calling it an ugly act of racism they said has happened many times. I mean they used STRAW - like did they really carry a bale of hay to write a hate message?? Bizzaro!
Makes you wonder where they are going to take this. I don’t believe Asians here would riot, they pretty much love being here in America. They’ll probably send some Chinese soldiers over to start the fake protests.
Top news story in Seattle too. The words " F*** China You will pay" were spelled out in STRAW on a church parking lot. People on the street ( one with a homemade mask reading "black lives matter" across his mouth) calling it an ugly act of racism they said has happened many times. I mean they used STRAW - like did they really carry a bale of hay to write a hate message?? Bizzaro!
Makes you wonder where they are going to take this. I don’t believe Asians here would riot, they pretty much love being here in America. They’ll probably send some Chinese soldiers over to start the fake protests.
That does sound like a way for the left to open the door for a China invasion. They want a civil war and will not stop trying to divide us.