As a native of North Yorkshire, I can assure you that's not true. You need to be into Scotland before the "r" is noticeably stressed as it is in Greek (mostly).
My mom was a Scott I can assure you she rolled her 'rs' and was a stickler for pronouncing thigs correctly. The funniest was Wednesday, she would pronounce it Wed-nes-day where we her in England pronounce it 'Wensday'
As a native of North Yorkshire, I can assure you that's not true. You need to be into Scotland before the "r" is noticeably stressed as it is in Greek (mostly).
My mom was a Scott I can assure you she rolled her 'rs' and was a stickler for pronouncing thigs correctly. The funniest was Wednesday, she would pronounce it Wed-nes-day where we her in England pronounce it 'Wensday'