He has to continue to take credit for it. It is the only way libtards and normies will wake up even remotely to the damage Big Pharma has been doing to us.
Think of it this way; if he can get these woke idiots to blame him for the vaccines being rushed and killing people, it will do a lot more to save lives than if he was outright against it. It would also help to turn the people against the MSM for pushing this poison and lying about the dangers.
If Trump denounces the vaccines and warns people against them, the Media will work ten times as hard to push them on people. Mandates will practically be overnight. Anything he denounces they will have free reign to convince everyone they have brainwashed to support it at a drop of a hat with the mouth-foaming fervor of a rabid dog -- simply because it will, in their minds, upset Trump.
Additionally, they can decide to blame him for the deaths and maiming people. I doubt they will do this, seeing how they really REALLY want to kill and maim us, more so than they hate commending Trump for getting the vaccines out lickity-split.
However, if he supports the vaccines, liberals with tier 10 Trump Derangement Syndrome will be forced to ask why their loved ones are now jittering vegetables after getting the vaccines. They will have to find someone to blame. Trump cutting ALL the red tape and liabilities will be absolutely impossible for them to ignore. You can't hide it forever. Eventually people close to the vest of these nutjobs will start speaking out about their disabilities after having gotten the "jab."
The only way to break the spell of the MSM on liberals is to use their hatred of Trump against them for their own betterment. Otherwise we might face a national collapse after 40% of the population's DNA starts to melt and their bodies rip their organs apart in 3-6 months.
Who's gonna flip burgers if half the population gets lobotomized? You might wish these morons dead, as they do you, but keep in mind that if half the population is suddenly taken out of commission, we are royally fucked. China can come in and take us over in a heartbeat.
TL;DR: He has to support the vaccines, because if he doesn't they will push it even harder. If he denounces them claiming they were rushed, he can be blamed for the symptoms and death as well as allow MSM to push them all the more just to spite his recommendations.
We have become Olympic level mental gymnasts
Took the words from me. I still haven’t heard a coherent reason for Trump to promote getting vaxed. Olympic level gymnastics is correct on this one.
He did it because he was put on the spot and had no other choice. Telling people not to get the vaccines he fast tracked? What the fuck kind of message would that send? Also if you listen to the clip, he quickly follows up that he also values personal freedom (and choice to decline). He knows we're smart enough to see past it, and if you aren't, then maybe you deserve any potential side effects.
Why didn’t he continue pushing HCQ and all the other therapeutics instead and condemn any vax? Why did he let the msm bury the effectiveness of therapeutics? Why would he continue to this day pushing vaccines? He could have buried big pharma, Fauxi and all other evil fucks by promoting the truth and not this vaccination fuckery that some folks are trying to sift through. Makes no sense whatsoever but what the fuck do I know?
Because they were about to outlaw HCQ PERIOD.
He had to back off because they were about to take away arthritic and malarial patient's primary medication.