Doomers be gone.
Listen to the first few stanzas of Proud to be an American. If all I have is that when all this is over, it will be sufficient for me.
Also. God promised his children no riches, he promised no comfort of an easy life. In fact, as we are not of this world he promised hardship and tribulation. He said we would be scorned and abused. We would be tortured and killed.
I gladly face that fate knowing that we are in the right, and that God has offered salvation through Christ Jesus which I have accepted.
My family follow Christ's teachings and he has prepaired us for spiritual warfare. He has prepaired us for physical war. We will continue to worship him and we will have victory. If not here and now, we have the promise of ultimate victory over all evil in the end in Heaven and on earth. NCSWIC and they know it.
They will continue to thrash and scream, and thump their chests saying, "how great are we!" We will continue to say in a calm voice: "Not at all." This echoes through their brains and with petty anger they thrash and attempt to destroy everything, even themselves as it drives them to madness.
Then the saints will come up to the wounded, flailing beast and say "it is enough" and the beast will be slain.
And it will be done.