Trump said Vaccines are safe and they are wonderful. He also said that many people, especially his supporters, are hesitant to take the vaccine. He then said that there is such a thing as choice and he thinks it is very important people make their own choice.
We are all constantly scratching out heads asking why is he pushing vaccines. Why does he keep saying that they are safe?
Lets take a step back and ask ourselves what is the real important question?
Even before you ask whether the vaccine is safe whats the first question you need to ask?
"Is the vaccine necessary?"
Thats the real question, and if the answer is NO, then it does not matter if its safe or wonderful, we do not need to take it. Now go back to what Trump said and see what his answer to this question is?
He is clearly answering this question, and saying "No its not necessary". If he really wanted to push the vaccine, he would have said "If people dont take the vaccine many many people will die. Especially my supporters. I really implore everyone to take the vaccine"
So, can we stop agonising about this ?
I agree with you. Plus remember, people - even among his supporters - are scared and the vaccine helps reassure them. Pretty sure if Trump had not advocated for the vaccine, people would have turned on him. You can’t fight the whole system on your own and sometimes you need to play along with it. Plus, if what we think is true - that is, he’s going to make a triumphant return back as President - he couldn’t allow himself to fight on all fronts. He’s delivered a vaccine, he’s taught us to fight for ourselves, said we have the choice, and so be it. Now, the Dems have no excuse not to stop the pandemic except by exposing themselves further.
The fact is he promoted the unsafe/deadly vaccine as safe. There’s no denying this fact.
All you can do is split hairs over why he’s okay with inevitably having some of his supporters take the vaccine because they trusted him. Perhaps he’s okay with a few friendly fire casualties. If that’s the case, they should have done all the mass arrests on Day 1.