First off, read this about Elisha.
Doesn't this breakdown of Elisha's past remind you of anyone in particular?
Then read this breakdown about the handing off of the mantle.
Okay, now ask yourself; are you actually ready for the "happening"?
Do you really know what that means?
Recall what was said between Elijah and Elisha.
8 Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground.
9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?”
“Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. double portion refers to the practice that a first-born son receives a double-portion of his father's inheritance as compared to his siblings
10 “You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours—otherwise, it will not.”
We have lived as slaves for generations to this evil cabal. They guided us like cattle for the slaughter, but still tended to our needs and directed us. They offered us some degree of security despite their ill intentions and robbing us of our freedoms.
Are you ready to lose that security? Are you ready to actually be TRULY FREE? To live and die by your own agency?
If it doesn't scare you, it should. Because, just like with Elisha, Elijah isn't gonna be there forever. Our mentors aren't going to be with us forever.
Trump isn't gonna be there forever.
Eventually we are gonna have to learn to walk, run, and even fly on our own.
For all of you begging and pleading for the "happening" to happen already -- "YOU HAVE ASKED A DIFFICULT THING"
Remember what Trump said:
Today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.
Do you know what this means? Do you know exactly what is going to "happen"?
We are gonna have to sink or swim. We The People are going to have to now prove that we deserve our freedom; that we deserve the freedom that has been fought and won FOR US with the blood of True Patriots -- Patriots that have paid the Ultimate Price.
From now on, we are going to have to actually WORK. Work harder than ever before. We have neglected so much in this Nation. We have neglected so much in this world.
We ignored our Local governments. We ignored our State governments. Then we ignored the Federal government. With this loss of checks and balances, this hierarchy, we allowed the elites to consolidate power into a single corrupt 10 mile square of swamp land. From there they have had the reach and power to control everything you hear, do, say, and watch.
We, until recently, had been happy to come home, sit on our butts, and goof off watching programs, playing games, fooling around, and wasting time that could have been spent for the betterment of our own character.
This is a hard lesson. We have to take it to heart. This is still the CALM before the STORM.
We must resolve to NEVER AGAIN allow the corruption back into our land. Never allow it back into our homes. Never allow it back into our families. NEVER allow it back into our hearts.
That means we have to work. We have to all mentor a new generation to make sure they never, ever forget what was sacrificed for us to get here; that they never forget who sacrificed themselves to release our shackles.
We must not allow ourselves to be as ungrateful as the Jews as soon as they left Egypt.
Now... With that out of the way...
I have an inkling. I've been feeling it for the past week. Things are really out of kilter. The misinformation is way too potent right now. We aren't only watching a movie right now; the movie theatre is on fire around us. The fire is still part of the production, but this isn't like any regular show.
I've heard on some back-channels that something big is coming. Something "doomsday" level of bad news. It is going to seem like all is well and truly lost. This is the final shock. Don't panic.
The @johnheretohelp posts hinting at a coming nuclear standoff confirmed it to me. That news is just the tip of the iceberg of terror that is due in the coming days. It is going to be a March of Madness in every sense of the concept. People, us included, have been seeing this like some sort of game. It is not. This is very real. It is time we start acting like it.
Up until now we've been standing in the Jordan, being held by the lower back and chest by the Priest, anticipating the dip.
The anticipation is growing.
But the shock has yet to come.
You'll know it when it does. It won't be in your control. It will be sudden and unexpected. You will not be able to hold your breath before it happens. You will feel like you are drowning. The EBS isn't going to be the news you've been hoping for.
We are being baptized. It isn't a baptism by water, nor fire.
It is a baptism of the Holy Spirit. We, like the Apostles, are going to receive tongues of flame above our heads and we are going to be allowed to speak in ways we never have before. We have been chosen for a reason to deliver this message.
This is a baptism by the Blood of the Son of Man, Christ Jesus. His blood is the light. It is the pure light of God that makes clean all things, bleaching them to the purest white and removing the stains of our past.
Know this: You must stand ready with the Armor of God fastened on your breast. There is no backplate to this armor. Those who turn to flee will be burned.
This will be my last message for a while. There isn't much more we can do at the immediate moment, and speculation will only open us up now to enemy snares.
It is now a time of prayer and Resting In The Lord. We must rest before the Storm is upon us so that we may be ready to fasten the sails and batten down the hatches.
Find ways to calm yourself. Try this breathing exercise -- it has helped me in the past. The tingling is nothing, just press through. You'll be surprised to learn you can hold your breath for 2 minutes, no problem.
And with that... Sleepydude is gonna take a long-awaited nap.
God bless.
I do recall a post (which one?) about a nuclear scare...but not to worry!