I’m not the type to make a post like this but for the first time I feel panicked.
My manager just told me corporate is probably going to make vaccines mandatory, and they’ve been suggesting it on her calls. (It’s a very liberal company.)
I can hold out for the plan but I’m terrified of this vaccine being forced on me. I’ll leave the job if I have to, but this is getting to be too much.
How are other people dealing with this? I can’t afford to not have a job even for even a month. I’m an independent and a student and work weekends so I’m paycheck to paycheck.
I’m all for respecting other people’s choice to get the shot, and I haven’t gotten any backlash from my friends for expressing my desire not to take it. I’m doing fine. But if it becomes a trend for jobs to require it I’ll be trapped. It would be a deep state check mate on me.
Can the plan really allow this?! It’s giving me doubt for the first time and my faith is shaken.
Edit: thank you all so much. This community gives me so much strength.
They cannot force you to take it, but you can of course be fired for being late or insubordination or dress code or... whatever. Here in Texas I don't need to even state a cause, just 'I don't need you any more, adios'. So there is that, yeah.
Explain your religious reasons, explain it is not a vaccine, explain it is only authorized for emergency use, explain the side effects and that it does not confer immunity.
Look for work. I would force them to fire me, collect their unemployment- it's over 600 bucks a week in many places - and sell fentanyl to your Bosses' daughter.
My bad, that last part is what a Buddy of mine told one of our Bosses long ago when he threatened us, except then it was crack.
Good luck, do not allow money to be the reason you take that shiite, it 'might' be better to starve or turn thief than to take that.
That should be 2.875 X 3.75 inches, heavy card stock. Good luck.
I will never cave on taking the vaccine.
It is a very liberal company so religion might actually work. Using their wokeism against them seems like a smart angle.