I’m not the type to make a post like this but for the first time I feel panicked.
My manager just told me corporate is probably going to make vaccines mandatory, and they’ve been suggesting it on her calls. (It’s a very liberal company.)
I can hold out for the plan but I’m terrified of this vaccine being forced on me. I’ll leave the job if I have to, but this is getting to be too much.
How are other people dealing with this? I can’t afford to not have a job even for even a month. I’m an independent and a student and work weekends so I’m paycheck to paycheck.
I’m all for respecting other people’s choice to get the shot, and I haven’t gotten any backlash from my friends for expressing my desire not to take it. I’m doing fine. But if it becomes a trend for jobs to require it I’ll be trapped. It would be a deep state check mate on me.
Can the plan really allow this?! It’s giving me doubt for the first time and my faith is shaken.
Edit: thank you all so much. This community gives me so much strength.
Your body, your choice. Identify as vaccinated.
But in all seriousness, no job is worth it if you hold genuine concerns. It is fortunate here in Australia regarding the vaccine despite the rollout as it remains wildly unpopular and there is no just cause to mandate receiving it.
I won't be taking it for numerous reasons. But very much so because of wanting to start a family soon. These considerations should be what governs your decisions.
Of course, that sounds all well and good for somebody who isn't you and doesn't have to consider the financial implications of suddenly vacating your employment. What is key is to ensure that if push does come to shove, you have means to sustain yourself economically which is your greatest concern.
The only answer if you do not have any other financial resources to draw upon that don't incur penalty (don't do credit) is to get cracking at finding something else now. Here in Australia we could draw upon Superannuation (you can't touch it until retirement) which is kinda like 401K in the states, not really but kinda. I am unfamiliar if the US has any supports systems where you can draw upon these resources due to the pandemic circumstances.