I’m not the type to make a post like this but for the first time I feel panicked.
My manager just told me corporate is probably going to make vaccines mandatory, and they’ve been suggesting it on her calls. (It’s a very liberal company.)
I can hold out for the plan but I’m terrified of this vaccine being forced on me. I’ll leave the job if I have to, but this is getting to be too much.
How are other people dealing with this? I can’t afford to not have a job even for even a month. I’m an independent and a student and work weekends so I’m paycheck to paycheck.
I’m all for respecting other people’s choice to get the shot, and I haven’t gotten any backlash from my friends for expressing my desire not to take it. I’m doing fine. But if it becomes a trend for jobs to require it I’ll be trapped. It would be a deep state check mate on me.
Can the plan really allow this?! It’s giving me doubt for the first time and my faith is shaken.
Edit: thank you all so much. This community gives me so much strength.
This is the time to get your LEGAL arguments and materials lined up.
It is ILLEGAL for any company to require someone take a vaccine, and you must repeat this to your boss, to Human Resources personnel, etc. They may not know this fact. This is an experimental vaccine, it cannot be forced.
I saw a previous post here where someone linked to the legal info. Sorry I didn’t save it.
Do a search for law firms that will help you fight this... there are some civil liberties law firms that are gearing up to do lawsuits over this very issue, and possibly will give you legal help for free.
You must do this work, research, now, don’t wait for the day when they come for you. Make it a conversation with your boss, and if you are a hard working employee, they will listen.
If you have any fellow employees that feel as you do, band together to do the research, find the lawyer, and inform the boss.