posted ago by SongDog ago by SongDog +26 / -0

Gary Balcerzak.

Aside from the incredibly cringe-worth name of this non-profit foundation which was formally headed up by the now arrested on child pornography charges, Brett Blome, you may be asking why the name Balcerzak is suspicious?

Born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Gary Balcerzak appears to be a typical high roller with fingers in SE Wisconsin monied charities and higher education? Okay - no obvious problem.


Here is another Balcerzak "coincidentally" from the exact same part of Milwaukee, Wisconsin who is now living comfortably on his police pension far from this ugly scandal of 1991: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6qxIiuFevk


Now I ain't saying that there is any sort of provable connection between Gary and John. But if these two fellows are more than distant cousins, then the cover-up of of the death of Konerak perped by suspected CIA operative Jeffery Dahmer (gone bad) has some implications which could rise like...


to the top of this foundation. Oh yes, and why return a 19 year old "lover" back to Dahmer with an obvious HOLE DRILLED IN THE VICTIM'S SKULL!!? Why was Dahmer in Milwaukee? Was John his handler? Does Gary know more about this than he hopes will ever come out? Time will tell.